The staff always has more work than they can accomplish so they appreciate help from the Friends and other volunteers. We take down old ranch fence, clean up highway trash, work in the visitor center, help with habitat work and other projects. Our volunteers have developed a special bond with the refuge and you notice this when you talk with them.
The refuge can always use more help! We have a seasonal volunteer program from late October to April. Participants stay in the volunteer campground called the Outpost where they live in their motor homes and RV’s. They help with maintenance, landscape, running the Visitor’s Center, caring for the breeding population of the endangered Masked Bobwhite quail, repairing barbed wire fence on the boundary to keep cattle out and many more projects. For more information contact the refuge at 520-823-4251.
The Friends are also looking for volunteers to help in the following areas:
- Newsletter Editor and Writer
- Grant Writing
- Board Member
- Certified Public Accountant
- Committee chair (Membership, Networking, Fundraising)
Please fill out and send the volunteer form.
The Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge helps the refuge to fulfill their mission by helping to provide funds for projects, purchase needed items, recruit volunteers and provide programs on a variety of topics. Join us.