2019 Annual Report

Wildlife Updates

The HPC grant money did create corridors for wildlife to enter and exit the water at Cordova Tank. We knew mule deer were using the tank but hoped that pronghorn might use it once there was a clearing. Below is our happy result.

Four pregnant does were relocated from northern Arizona to the Refuge. Their young added to the fawns from our resident herd. It was great to see so many fawns survive.

Quail reintroduction is increasing the numbers on the ground. Quail techs tracked 80-100 quail that overwintered nine months after their release.

Thanks to Volunteers

Friends decided to restore the jaguar that had been shot in Brazil and smuggled into the US. A volunteer organized a Go Fund Me campaign to raise the money needed. Thanks to all the wonderful donors who made this possible. See it in the Visitor’s Center when the virus allows it to reopen

Two volunteer photographers are posting regular wildlife pictures on the Friends of Buenos Aires Face Book page. There are some really great pictures and we hope you will take a look at them.

Friends are helping to develop a demonstration garden for Manager’s Hill. Tucson Audubon designed the irrigation and rain garden design and will install it. Several donors provided

So many of the great things that happen on the Refuge are thanks to volunteers. There is always a need for volunteers to jump into a project and make it happen.

Financial Summary

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