Environmental Education Programs in ArivacaThe Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge (BANWR) sponsored four environmental education programs this winter in the town of Arivaca. The first one, with 64 people in attendance at the Gathering Space was a presentation on venomous snakes by Ed Cardwell. The rest of the programs were held at the Dance Hall in Arivaca. On December 10th, Sky Island Alliance told 38 people about the importance of our sky islands and the animals that live there, especially along the US-Mexico border and the impact of the border wall on the wildlife. On January 20, biologist […]
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Friends Newsletter FALL 2024
NEWS from the Friends of Buenos AiresNational Wildlife Refuge Wilderness Volunteers Returning to the Refuge Wilderness Volunteers will arrive in November for four days working with the Altar Valley Conservation Alliance. They will help build erosion control structures that slow water runoff, hold soil and water on the landscape and encourage vegetation growth to stabilize even more soil. The mission of Wilderness Volunteers, a nonprofit organization, is to engage people in meaningful service that conserves and protects America’s wild places. Fall Natural History Programs Come join us for three natural history presentations that will be held this fall in Arivaca […]
Read More...Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge – Annual Report – 2023
The Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge continue to provide valuable assistance to the Refuge. These efforts cover a broad spectrum of projects that help wildlife and improve habitat, or improve and repair public use infrastructure such as signs, trails, and the Cienega boardwalk. Other endeavors provide education programs for the public, either on the refuge or in nearby communities. The Friends provide their own volunteer labor for these projects, or coordinate visiting volunteer work groups. The Friends group also secures grant money to purchase supplies for field projects or to hire contractors to help in that effort. The […]
Read More...Friends Newsletter SPRING 2024 – NEWS from the Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge
Christmas Bird Count at the Refuge For the 25th year, volunteers fanned out across Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge to participate in the annual Christmas Bird Count sponsored by the National Audubon Society. Overall numbers were low this year, probably because of dry conditions and several dry tanks. There were a number of good birds recorded, however, including golden eagle, American pipit, Woodhouse’s scrub jay, and Hutton’s vireo. A total of 76 species were counted for the official tally. All the Way to the Border Fourteen dedicated volunteers helped remove litter from six miles of highway that run through BANWR […]
Read More...Friends Newsletter SPRING 2024
NEWS from the Friends of Buenos AiresNational Wildlife Refuge Christmas Bird Count at the Refuge For the 25th year, volunteers fanned out across Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge to participate in the annual Christmas Bird Count sponsored by the National Audubon Society. Overall numbers were low this year, probably because of dry conditions and several dry tanks. There were a number of good birds recorded, however, including golden eagle, American pipit, Woodhouse’s scrub jay, and Hutton’s vireo. A total of 76 species were counted for the official tally. All the Way to the Border Fourteen dedicated volunteers helped remove litter […]
Read More...Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge Annual Report 2022
The Friends provide much-needed assistance to the Refuge in respect to funding, environmental education, and physical work for habitat and wildlife projects. The Refuge has been deeply hampered by staff and funding shortages, and in light of this shortfall, the Friends fill an important role. The Friends step in when they can with finances and volunteer labor to initiate or continue projects so important for the welfare of wildlife and their habitat. Refuge Manager Rich Albers arrived in September and the refuge also has a new Maintenance Mechanic Lead, Devin Williams. Hannah Pierce, Wildlife Refuge Specialist, continues to wear a […]
Read More...NEWS from the Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge APRIL 2023
Pronghorn Herd Doubles in Size Thirty pronghorn were moved to Buenos Aires NWR from the San Bernadino Valley in southeastern Arizona in late January, more than doubling the size of the herd of two dozen pronghorn already on the refuge. Arizona Game and Fish had captured the refuge’s newest residents in nets fired from a low-flying helicopter. The animals were blindfolded to keep them calm, and then loaded into trailers for the 200-mile drive across southern Arizona. Two of the bucks and five of the does were fitted with radio tracking collars before their release. This will allow Game and Fish […]
Read More...Newsletter from the Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge — Spring 2022
A lot has been happening at Buenos Aires NWR since our last newsletter of September 2021. The Friends are actively pursuing projects both indoors and outdoors, particularly in response to habitat improvement and wildlife viewing opportunities.
Read More...Friends of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge Annual Report, 2021
This was a busy year for the Friends. The Refuge is operating with only 50% of their staff, which greatly impacts the ability of the Refuge to fulfill their mission of wildlife conservation, habitat preservation, and visitor services. As a result, the role of the Friends is increasingly critical in this time of staff and funding shortfalls. The Friends have stepped in with finances and volunteer labor to initiate or continue projects so important for the welfare of wildlife and their habitat. Another hurdle this year was Covid-19, which resulted in the Visitor Center being closed all year. Many staff […]
Read More...September 2021 Newsletter
September 2021 There is much happening on the refuge… Take look at our September Newsletter